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Compared to cow's milk, soy, nuts, goat's milk has more digestible proteins that are more easily used by the human body.



Cheese is the perfect concentrate of dairy food and contains its main components such as proteins, vitamins, mineral salts and easily digestible fat.​

• Contains all the necessary amino acids​

•It is one of the main sources of calcium

•Has a positive effect in the fight against osteoporosis

•Reduces plaque bacteria, stimulates saliva production and keeps our mouths clean naturally​​

•It contains a large amount of folic acid, making it an essential food during pregnancy​

•Favors the production of breast milk in pregnant women​

•Strengthens the immune system​

•Vitamin B in cheese makes our skin look better​

•Reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome​

•A great source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), related to the prevention of certain types of cancer such as colon​

•Rich in protein, so it helps build and recover body mass


Vitamins & minerals goat's milk vs. cow's milk

The fat molecules in goat's milk are significantly smaller than the fat molecules in cow's milk. This makes goat's milk easier to digest.

•13% more calcium

•25% more vitamin B6

•47% more vitamin A

•134% more potassium

•300% more niacin

•400% more copper

Aids digestion

Unlike cow's milk, goat's milk does not contain agglutinin, which causes the fat globules in cow's milk to clump together and be difficult to digest.

Goat milk contains more essential fatty acids such as linoleic and arachidonic acids, as well as a higher proportion of short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids. All of these are easier to digest by intestinal enzymes.

Cow's milk must be artificially homogenized to prevent its molecules from separating. Goat's milk is naturally homogenized. The molecules that make it up are uniform, making the milk more consistent.

Goat's milk contains less lactose than cow's milk. This makes it easier for intestinal enzymes to digest the goat's milk.

It is less allergenic​

The protein called alpha s1 casein is the main cause of dairy allergies. Goat milk, like breast milk, has almost 90% less of this protein, making it easier to process through the intestinal tract.


Many mothers claim that their babies and young children do better on goat's milk.

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